Sponsorship Information
Sponsorship Information
This page refers to the state contestant's acceptance fee and registration fee required to enter the state pageant. The acceptance fee is required to secure the contestant's position in this year's state pageant. The registration fee is used to cover the costs of production, staff, materials, venue, meeting rooms, judges, judges travel and lodging, awards and prizes, travel and lodging for the national competitions, etc.
Acceptance Fee
An acceptance fee of $199.00 is required to secure the contestant's position in this year’s state pageant. This acceptance fee is separate from the contestant registration fee that is listed in the contestant's official welcome and registration email. Contestants can either secure sponsors to pay for the contestant's acceptance fee or pay the acceptance fee themselves. If contestant's find that they need more time to acquire the acceptance fee, they should contact us and we will set up an extension for them. As soon as a contestant sends in their acceptance fee, we will automatically make the necessary plans for their participation in the pageant. Therefore, if they should withdraw from the pageant for any reason, there will be no refund for the acceptance fee. Any registration fees above the acceptance fee are also not refundable but can be transferred to the following year’s participation so long as the contestant notifies the pageant office at least 60 days prior to the start of the state pageant. The required acceptance fee is not transferable.
Acquiring Sponsors
If the contestant or their family are not wanting to personally pay the acceptance and/or registration fees, they are encouraged to secure sponsors. Some contestants prefer to pay the fees themselves like they would to take dance lessons, go to camp, join a traveling sports team, etc. Either way they do it is fine by us. Sponsorship from businesses can be tax deductible as an advertising expense. Contestants will have the opportunity to provide us with their sponsors information to be listed on the state pageant program book and website under the name of the contestant being sponsored. The following information should prove helpful in securing sponsors.
Sponsor Payments
If a sponsor would like to make a payment towards a contestant's registration fee, simply click the "Make A Payment" button below and share the resulting website with them, or share with them the QR Code below.
Click Here to
Download the QR Code
Using GoFundMe.com
Over the past couple years, we have been working to find a great online resource to help some of our contestants in raising their registraiton fee for the state pageant. We believe we have found a website that will make it easy for each contestant to reach out to their friends and family to ask them for their support as they start their journey to becoming Miss USA or Miss Teen USA. The website is www.gofundme.com. This website is designed to allow users to raise funds using social media. Contestants can share their GoFundMe page with all of their friends and family to assist in paying for the registration fee. Please keep in mind that Future Productions does not own GoFundMe.com, nor are we associated with GoFundMe.com. Any questions about their service should be directed to GoFundMe using the information provided on their website.
Who to Ask
- Personal Contributions: Contestant should also consider small donations from neighbors, friends, and relatives. This is a very successful method. We suggest contestants make a list of people who they know well and who they feel will be excited to see them have this opportunity. Then, ask each person for a donation of $35-$50. This is very similar what someone might spend on a gift or to send the contestant flowers. This gives people who who know the contestant a chance to be a part of their big event. Contestants receive significant contributions from collections made at Mom or Dad’s work or clubs.
- Business Sponsorships: Banks or larger businesses are often very willing to be sponsors, as are accountants, dentists, doctors and insurance agents. Consider places where a contestant's family has recently made a major purchase; real estate agents, car dealers, and furniture stores are possibilities. Smaller businesses are very good, particularly if the contestant's family does regular business there. Examples are service stations, cleaners, clothing stores, hardware stores, etc. Don’t overlook places not frequently visited, such as funeral homes. Be sure inform the business that the sponsorship is a tax deduction as a form of advertising.
- Community Organizations: This includes groups such as Jaycees (Jr. Chamber of Commerce), Rotary Club, Optimist Club, Kiwanis Club, Chamber of Commerce, American Legion or VFW.
Sponsorship Receipt
Please feel free to use the receipt available below to provide to sponsors if needed.